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One month . . .

Just a little progress report. Have owned my 2015 XRX for a month now. It's winter, the weather is dire and we're in lockdown so I've only managed two relatively short rides (and two lengthy cleaning sessions LOL). So far, I have changed the stock screen for a Puig Touring Screen (seems pretty good but not done a great deal of miles with it yet but certainly better than the stock one), changed the plastic skid plate for a nice Triumph alloy sump guard, added a headlight grill, a set of Triumph lower engine bars and fitted a RAM mount for my GPS! I'm loving the bike - just can't wait to get out in some non-icy/snowy weather on dry roads! Price-wise, I've done well. The Triumph sump guard was a deal from Total Triumph at £75 and the engine bars were a year old and un-marked from a guy on fleaBay, again at £75!! Can't complain as both are in excess of £215 normally!
6 imágeneshace 3 años